Work with a collection of instruments for password creation and enhancement. Check out the options for creating different password types, including classic symbol combinations, as well as pattern-based passwords, and passphrases consisting of words from word lists.
PWGen is a very useful program that allows to generate random passwords avoiding using weak passwords and in this manner increasing the security of your password usage. You can generate a single password or generate a list of them (maximum 32,767). It has two options to generate passwords. The first one is "Include Characters" by selecting the length of the password and the type of characters that will be included, they can be letters, numbers, symbols, hexadecimal, etc. The second option, "Include Words", allows you to generate passphrases by opening a word list file, you can select the number of phrases to include and combine words with characters. After generating a password you can see the result and the security level utilized, e.g. 52 bits, 117 bits. At the bottom of the main window the random pool activity and entropy bits are shown. You can also customize the way passwords are generated, e.g., exclude ambiguous characters, include upper/lower case letters, etc. The program works under Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.